Monday, February 3, 2014

Ketchup on a Hot Dog? And Other Super Bowl Ad Musings

While it was a dog of a game (no pun intended), give credit where credit is due: Seattle was brilliant.  Wish I could say the same about the ads, but I found them to be, on the whole – eminently (and imminently) forgettable. 

Last week, I wrote about Northwestern Kellogg Professor Tim Calkins’ commercial rating methodology (  You can boil the framework down to:

1.     Did I like the ad as an ad?
2.     Would I have known whose ad it was as a casual observer?
3.     Did it either reinforce brand positioning or at least create favorable awareness?

With that in mind, here are my thoughts on yesterday's ads. 

Who’s ad is that?: More and more, it apparently is about creating an ad that people remember.  Remembering whose ad it is is secondary.  Whether the ad enhances the brand is tertiary.  The only reason I remember who did several of the ads was because I wrote it down.  Time to get back to basics of why you advertise.

Sex, animals and the flag:  It used to be that “sex sells.”  Watching the commercials, it seems now it is animals and the flag.  Most of the animal ads came off as stupid (Budweiser and Doritos being the exceptions; and their ads ranked first and second on USA Today’s Super Bowl Ad Meter) and most of the “patriotism ads” came off as contrived or manipulative (Budweiser’s "Hero’s Welcome” again being the exception – ranked #3 on Ad Meter).  The only ads I remember with any sexual overtones were SodaStream (liked it, but not for that reason), the David Beckham H&M ad (liked it, but not for that reason), and the horrific GoDaddy “BodyBuilder” ad (see below).

Car ads: On the whole, pretty bad.  None of them effectively used any type of patriotism theme.  Most of them had me guessing as to whose ad it was.  I would not have known unless I wrote it down.  I don’t want to see Bob Dylan selling cars.  I was intrigued by Maserati; not a particularly great ad, but I found it interesting that they decided to advertise when maybe 0.0001% of the people watching were in their target market.  The best of the ads, I thought, was the Toyota Highlander ad with the Muppets.

Favorite ad(s): Bud Light Epic Night and Epic Night Continued.  I thought these ads were clever and I knew who the advertiser was all along.  I just wish they continued the story with more ads.

Second place: Cheerios “Gracie”.  OK, the interracial couple was a little cliché, but it was a nice use of the product.  I certainly knew whose ad it was.  And I loved the ending, when the girl said: ‘And a puppy.”

Third place: Microsoft “Empowering.”  Maybe the most motivating of all the ads.  Rated #1 by Kellogg.

Honorable mention:  Doritos “Cowboy Kid” (but not Time Machine), Wonderful Pistachios (Part 2), David Beckham H&M ad (best music).  And also a shout out to Fox for the 24 teasers.  Jack is back.

Worst ad (ever?): GoDaddy “BodyBuilder”.  Last year, I questioned whether their ad was the worst ad ever.  This year’s ad, while awful,  wasn’t as bad.  Scary how bad last year’s ad was.

Dishonorable mention:  T-Mobile (really?  Tim Tebow?), Audi Doberhuahua (exactly what does that dog have to do with your brand?  Rated last by Kellogg.)

Ad I am most conflicted about: Heinz “Happy and You Know It.”  I would put this close to the top on “technical merit.”  The brand was evident throughout; the functionality of the bottle was well documented.  But…ketchup on a hot dog?

Finally, if you want to see how the Kellogg folks evaluated the ads, you can visit

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